Church Without Walls
‘Church without Walls’ is an initiative of our Diocesan Synod Journey, Building the Kingdom of God Together.
‘Church without Walls’ is an invitation to the whole community to encounter the stories of mission and outreach that take place across our diocese every single day. Even in these difficult times, people of faith are responding to the good news of Jesus Christ and are working towards transforming people’s lives, and indeed, the whole of society. This is the mission that every one of us has a part in. Yet, each of us lives out this mission in a personal and unique way.
These are the stories we want to tell.
‘Church without Walls’ will take us into the stories of people from all across the diocese. We will go into our parishes, our schools and our agencies. We will travel from Lake Macquarie to Taree. We will hear from people of all ages. We will hear the stories of everyday people making a difference right where they are. We will hear about what they do and why they do it.
As we listen and engage with these stories, we are invited to contemplate our own story. How am I ‘living mission’ in my own life? Where am I being called at this time?
This is the heart of our Synod Journey. As we listen deeply to the stories of our communities, we are moved to action. So, let us continue to tell our stories and to listen. And let’s be moved.
This is story telling without limits.
This is Church… without walls.
See below our most recent video. To watch more open the playlist in the top right corner of the video and select another one to view.